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Author: rt66-admin

2024 Saturday Arts Camp


Two afternoons of age grouped art classes:
Group 1/ages 5-7, Group 2/ages 8-10, Group 3/ages 11-14.

Three classes each day for each camper, with breaks and snacks.

Both afternoons for $25, including supplies and snack.
There will be some scholarships available. Please contact us for more information.

Classes will be held at the Valley View Church, on Hwy 344 & Dinkle Rd, Edgewood.

Saturday, February 3rd, 12:30-3:30pm:

  • Junk Jam with Recycleman! – Kevin Kinane
  • All Shapes of Play – Hands in Clay with Jodi Miller
  • Experimental Bookbinding – Shelly Korte

NEW DATE: Saturday, February 17th, 12:30-3:30pm:

  • Brazilian Samba Drumming – Blake Himm
  • Getting Creative with Clay – Hands in Clay with Jodi Miller
  • See It! Do It! Paint Collage – Lisa Bryant

2023 Summer Arts Camp

July 17th – 21st
Monday – Friday • 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Five mornings of age grouped art classes. Ages 5-14
Three classes each morning for each camper, with breaks and healthy snacks.
Friday Exhibit and Performance, 1:00 pm. Everyone Welcome!
All Week for $45, including supplies and snacks.
There are scholarships available. Please contact us for more information.


Classes will be held at the Valley View Church, on Hwy 344 & Dinkle Rd, Edgewood.

Drums Around The World!
Kevin shares his collection of drums and percussion instruments as well as homemade instruments from recycled materials in this highly interactive session. Learn proper tone and technique with an emphasis on teamwork and creativity in this fun and empowering musical session. • Kevin Kinane

Summer Clay Play: Getting creative with the magic of mud and your imagination!
We’ll be taking the work out of artwork this summer with fun and creative ceramic building
games, as well as group and individual projects. The kids will do what they do best; learn
through play, exploring what they can do with clay! • Jodi Miller

Mixed-Media Studio Art
Using an expressive approach we will work from life and our imaginations so get ready to jump
in and try some new techniques!
Draw, paint, print, cut, glue, and collage! We will have fun making unique works of art and being
inspired by each other.
Each camper will hand-make an art journal to take home, too! • Shelly Korte

Paid Student Interns (ages 15-18 ) will help in classes.

2023 Field of Arts Festival

Edgewood 4th of July
Field of Arts Festival

Free admission 9am-3pm
Soccer Field Pavilion At Venus Park
Rt 344, Edgewood

Sponsored by the Town of Edgewood
Hosted by Route 66 Arts Alliance

Tuesday, July 4th, from 9am-3pm

This one-day holiday show is located on the Edgewood Soccer Field on Rt 344, Edgewood. The whole community drives by this field almost every day. It will be the only event happening in town on July 4th and we hope to have everyone there! We will have banners and posters all over town. Food and snacks available. Music all day, too. Make Art Here table for kids. We will be partnering with many of the town’s groups and churches to make this a town party! We have had great festivals in the past. We are all ready for some fun. Be there!

Thank you to everyone who participated – see you next year!