April 30th & May 7th
9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Two mornings of age-grouped art classes:
Group 1/ages 8-10
Group 2/ages 11-14
Two classes each Saturday morning for each camper, with a brief snack in between:
9:00 am – 10:30 am
10:30 am -12:00 noon
Four classes offered each day. Campers can sign up for one morning ($20) or both mornings ($25), including materials and snack. There will be some scholarships available.
Each Camper picks two age appropriate classes each morning. Classes will be held at the Mountainview Elementary School Complex on Route 66, opposite Lexco Rd, between Edgewood and Moriarty.
April 30th
- Mirror Art of Self Reflection (ages 11-14) • Drawing with mirrors • Lenora Romero
- Hammer & Nail Art (ages 8-10) • Nails, wood, thread • Lenora Romero
- Junk Jam with Recycleman! Learn how to take found objects, turn them into musical instruments and form a band. Recycleman brings out everything but the kitchen sink (and sometimes even that!) with this fun and energetic musical session. • Kevin Kinane
- Coil Coil Ugly Mug with Jodi Miller • Making Faces with Clay
- Experimental Drawing & Painting • Using a mixed-media and expressive approach we will make a series of drawings and paintings using pencils, pastels, markers and acrylic paint. We will work from life and imagination, so be ready to jump in and try new techniques! • Shelly Korte
May 7th
- Nail It New Mexico (ages 11-14) • Create your own Zia/NM symbol with nails, wood, thread • Lenora Romero
- Creature Carving Soap Art (ages 8-10) • Soap, plastic knives • Lenora Romero
- Drumming Around The World! • Get your hands on dozens of percussion instruments from all over the planet with Kevin Kinane. Have fun jamming while learning how to create good tones and rhythms in this highly interactive music program.
- Pinch, Pot Whistle with Jodi Miller •Musical Clay
- Paper, Print, Collage • We will hand-make journals to collect our experiments in printmaking and collage. Try out mono and relief printing! Swap and share prints, tear up paper, glue, layer and have fun making unique works of art. • Shelly Korte