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Reserve Your Space at the 2022 Music & Arts Festival

4th of July
Music & Arts Festival
on the Soccer Field, Venus Park

Sponsored by the Route 66 Arts Alliance and the Town of Edgewood

Monday, July 4th, from 9am-3pm

This one-day holiday show is located on the Edgewood Soccer Field on Rt 344, Edgewood. The whole community drives by this field almost every day. It will be the only event happening in town on July 4th and we hope to have everyone there! We will have banners and posters all over town. Food and snacks available. Music all day, too. Make Art Here table for kids. We will be partnering with many of the town’s groups and churches to make this a town party! We have had great festivals in the past. We are all ready for some fun. Be there!

Where: Wind Pavillion (under a roof) Edgewood Soccer Field at Venus Park, Rt 344, Edgewood.
When: Monday, 4th of July 2022, from 9am-3pm. Set up: Set up starts at 7am.
How much: $40 for an 8’x8’ space, in the Wind Pavillion, or $60 for a 10×10 space in the tent.
Plan on bringing your table and chairs. There will be food trucks. The tent is 30×30 covered all
around. Parking is free all day. This is a special price for this one-day show.

You must be a member of the Rt 66 Arts Alliance to participate.

This event was a success. Thank you for your support.

2022 Saturday Arts Camp

April 30th & May 7th
9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Two mornings of age-grouped art classes:
Group 1/ages 8-10
Group 2/ages 11-14

Two classes each Saturday morning for each camper, with a brief snack in between:
9:00 am – 10:30 am
10:30 am -12:00 noon

Four classes offered each day. Campers can sign up for one morning ($20) or both mornings ($25), including materials and snack. There will be some scholarships available.

Each Camper picks two age appropriate classes each morning. Classes will be held at the Mountainview Elementary School Complex on Route 66, opposite Lexco Rd, between Edgewood and Moriarty.

April 30th

  • Mirror Art of Self Reflection (ages 11-14) • Drawing with mirrors • Lenora Romero
  • Hammer & Nail Art (ages 8-10) • Nails, wood, thread • Lenora Romero
  • Junk Jam with Recycleman! Learn how to take found objects, turn them into musical instruments and form a band. Recycleman brings out everything but the kitchen sink (and sometimes even that!) with this fun and energetic musical session. • Kevin Kinane
  • Coil Coil Ugly Mug with Jodi Miller • Making Faces with Clay
  • Experimental Drawing & Painting • Using a mixed-media and expressive approach we will make a series of drawings and paintings using pencils, pastels, markers and acrylic paint. We will work from life and imagination, so be ready to jump in and try new techniques! • Shelly Korte

May 7th

  • Nail It New Mexico (ages 11-14) • Create your own Zia/NM symbol with nails, wood, thread • Lenora Romero
  • Creature Carving Soap Art (ages 8-10) • Soap, plastic knives • Lenora Romero
  • Drumming Around The World! • Get your hands on dozens of percussion instruments from all over the planet with Kevin Kinane. Have fun jamming while learning how to create good tones and rhythms in this highly interactive music program.
  • Pinch, Pot Whistle with Jodi Miller •Musical Clay
  • Paper, Print, Collage • We will hand-make journals to collect our experiments in printmaking and collage. Try out mono and relief printing! Swap and share prints, tear up paper, glue, layer and have fun making unique works of art. • Shelly Korte

This event has taken place – thank you to everyone who participated.

Art Contest for All Ages

Our free online classes are available by clicking on the class names below, but we are also adding a new ART CONTEST!

There are 3 simple steps to enter:

  1. Read the rules! They’re easy to follow, but also very important, so please click here and read them completely.
  2. Take any of the classes below by clicking on the class name(s). Make sure to take pictures to include with your contest entry.
  3. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT AN ENTRY! You may enter as many times as you like, but each one must be submitted separately.

CREATE YOUR WORKSPACE– by Shelly Korte (6/17)
WHERE I’M FROM POETRY & ROAD SIGNS – by Shelly Korte (6/21)
NATURE BRACELET – by Lenora Romero (6/26)
GEORGIA O’KEEFFE CLOSE-UP & IN COLOR – by Shelly Korte (6/30)
DIY WEAVING – by Shelly Korte (7/7)
SELF PORTRAIT WITH MIRROR – by Lenora Romero (7/7)
CARTOON VISION WORLD – by Shelly Korte (7/14)
DRAWING IN 30 MINUTES (MR DINOSAUR) – by Lenora Romero (7/15)
SIMPLE PUPPETS YOU CAN MAKE – by Julia Smith (7/22)